Refund Policy intends to provide the quality services to its customers and therefore we try to fulfil all the creativity needs of our customers and therefore we provide them with the partial money back guarantee. If you don’t like our ideas and ask us for the refund before the first revision then we will provide you with the partial refund i.e. 50%

There are certain conditions under which the refund claim will not be considered to be the valid claim:

  • If you have approved the design then in this condition we won’t provide you with the refund as it shows that you are satisfied with the design and therefore you approved it.
  • If you didn’t place the refund claim within 7 days
  • If the company for which we provided our services closed its business or made the changes in its name or its services
  • No refund will be offer after availing variation included in package.
  • Sketch and draft provided by the client will be considered as final variation we will work only ones on that design, no refund will be offer after denying that sketch.
  • If you ask us for the refund after the final delivery of the order.
Confidentiality Guarantee

We provide the guarantee to our customers that all the information and the details they shared with us will be kept confidential.

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