Since the entrance of technology in our lives, digital marketing has become the main approach for business promotion. Especially small companies which have a low budget range. Digital tools such as social media platforms, email, and websites among others, are a cost-effective marketing solution for small businesses. And they do generate positive results for generating traffic and growing opportunities. Against popular belief though, digital marketing options have not eliminated their printed counterparts. Print media tools continues to thrive in modern day marketing strategies. In fact, their role has become all the more important.
As consumers, we are flooded by digital promotional material on daily basis. Research done by U.S postal service, revealed that print marketing like brochures, flyers and post provides a welcome change. The constant flow of digital media can be quite overwhelming and brain numbing after a time. That’s when printed marketing materials will help you connect effectively with your target customers. According to the study, a large percentage of consumer still let print media influence their purchasing decisions.
But at the same time, the level of competition rises in every niche of the industry. And the attention span of the human society in general steadily becomes briefer. In order to get noticed, a small business now needs a balanced mix of traditional and digital tools. Among which flyers, play an important role. If you are all set to grow your business, it is time to integrate flyers in the mix. Why you may ask? We have some pretty hefty reasons to convince you of their usefulness.
Benefits of promoting your business by flyers
So, let us start on the interesting bit. The most important reasons are listed here to help you see how flyers can be effective promotional tools.
Costs low
The foremost reason to use flyers design company dubai for marketing is they produce vast results on a low budget. Any cost on designing can be saved by doing it on your own. The additional costs of printing and distribution do not damage your finances either.
Keeps the pipeline going
A flyer designed with the right idea and aesthetic can be extremely effective. If distributed to the correct target customers, it is able to generate traffic successfully.
Useful in multiple ways
Flyers have the potential to build and expand your business. They can also promote a new product or service you have launched. Announcements for special events or sales can also spread to wide audience with the help of flyers. Hence, they can be molded to suit a lot of your business requirements.
Work in tandem with digital marketing strategies
These days many brands add QR codes to their flyers. This can be very effective in linking potential consumers to your online platforms. It further allows them to use their mobile devices to initiate buying decisions. This makes the experience easier and more appealing for any customer.
Traceable results
You have several ways to make your promotional flyers easy to track. Coupon codes, flyer numbers and customer URLs allow a business to trace the responses accurately. It will also be correct to say, that the biggest advantage of flyers is their tangibility. They are something you can touch and hold instead of just viewing on a screen.
Most people will give some attention to a flyer they receive in their mailbox. In comparison, there are millions of promotional emails online, deleted by a click without even a brief read through. Public surveys unveil that 88% of consumers retain and understand printed information better. 77% of the respondents claimed that they prefer reading print in comparison to digital.
Using Flyers For Business Promotion
Similar to any marketing tool, flyers need to be executed correctly in order to provide results. Following certain steps will create the right path for distributing flyers that attain results.
Have a clear intent in mind
Do not resort to putting out flyers just because everyone else in the market is doing so. You need to have an evident target to achieve. Like generating fresh leads, driving consumers to your website, sale production and more. Otherwise, you might not be able to avail the full opportunity provided by this marketing tool.
Focus yourself
You need to particularly focus upon two things when using flyers. The message you are conveying and your target customers. Flyers will not work well without a strategy to back them up. It is a huge mistake if you distribute many flyers and then hope they will achieve your set