Colour Emotion Guide to Making a Logo

Do you wonder why big brands apply unique and attractive colours in their logos? The fact is that every human being is attracted to colours.  Since childhood, we are fond of colours. Almost every child loves to have a collection of crayons, colourful markers or pencil colours. The attraction towards colours does not only last till childhood. A human wants to be surrounded by unique colours throughout his life. Each colour has its meanings and all of them convey a specific message. In this modern period, even businesses implement colour psychology. Businesses use colours in their logo. The logo does not only differentiate you from others. But, it provides a strong message to its users regarding the business. There are wide ranges of logos. Some business creates eye-catchy logos, while others make a simple logo. Let’s dive into colour emotion guide and discover how businesses implement a colour strategy to make a logo.



It is one of the brightest and eye-catchy colours. Businesses often use this colour in a logo to attract the audience. Such a colour can easily get attention even in busy places. This is the colour of the sun. Yellow is a feeling of confidence, simplicity, and affection. It influences to bring a smile on consumer’s face. This is the reason many popular businesses use yellow colour in their logos. Big companies like DHL, Hertz, Nikon, etc. implement eye-catchy logo strategy. Therefore, they have a yellow colour in their logos.



Another eye-catchy colour that is implemented by several businesses is orange. Orange gives a message of creativity, passion, and youth. Some businesses implement pure orange in their logo, while others include the combination of two different colours to make it more attractive. Businesses use orange colour to get the attention of youth and young blood. Examples of such businesses include Fanta, Crush, Nickelodeon, etc. They use orange colour as their target audience are young people across the globe.



Red is a dominant colour. The colour indicates boldness and energy. Such a colour is popular in the entertainment industry. A logo with a red colour stands out differently amongst the crowd. It is such a dynamic colour that numerous businesses use red colour in their call to action buttons as well. Many big businesses like YouTube, Canon, Vodafone, and Coca-Cola use red colour as a signal of determination and passion.



Purple indicates royalty. The colour reflects majesty and wealth. Such a colour turns on the imagination and fascinates the viewers. Purple colour is a sign of wisdom. Plentiful famous business logos represents a purple colour. Cadbury, Yahoo, Orkut, Hallmark and numerous businesses implement purple colour due to its luxurious effects. There is lots of  Logo Design Companies in UAE  that can create a professional logo for businesses of any nature.



Blue is a soothing colour. Have you ever observed why the sky calms our behaviour? It is all due to colour effects. Blue has a comforting effect on human behaviour. Such a colour indicates power, calmness and dependability. You might have observed that various technology companies implement a blue colour in their logos. Brands like Facebook, Twitter, Dell, Intel and numerous technological corporations use a blue colour logo due to its reliability and trustworthiness.



Green colour reflects peace and growth. Similar to blue colour, a green also promotes calmness and harmony. It is a natural colour. Green indicates money, goals and prosperity. Such a colour has remedial effects on human behaviour. Lots of businesses implement a green colour in their logo due to its visibility and eye-catchy effects. A mostly business that deals with an environment come up with an idea of a green logo. The popular name that has used a green colour includes Animal planet, John Deere, etc.



There is a specific group that does not count black and white in a colour scheme due to its dryness. But, in the business world, it has a huge impact on human behaviour. Black indicates professionalism, while white reflects purity. Adding both these colours would make a magnificent logo. Puma, Nike, Cartoon Network, and numerous big giants have applied such a colour as it contains simplicity with a strong message to its viewers.


Hence, it is proved that colour has a significant meaning and a great impact on human behaviour. This is the reason; businesses apply the colour theme carefully when creating their logo. But, one thing is to be considered that each colour has different meanings in different parts of the world. Blue colour may have different meanings in different cultures. Therefore, a business should arrange a team meeting when crafting a logo as each colour has its meanings and benefits.

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